On a cold winter morning in 2020, one by one, five men spoke of their lives before, during, and after Vietnam, and what lead them to join Veterans for Peace. All had seen their share of combat; each spoke eloquently about war and its aftermath. One mans guilt over civilian bombing casualties lead him to openly weep. A former battalion surgeon could not bring himself to describe the casualties he’d seen. A concscientious objector told of his legal travails. A fourth man described being nightly trapped on a mountain top with fifty other men. Filmed by documentary maker Regis Tremblay, the project’s raw footage ran just over two hours, much too long for a general audience. The film maker has given Medic permission to excerpt his segments, below. It is hoped the completed film will be available soon. See more of Regis Tremblay’s fine work here.
Class of ’69
On a cold winter morning in 2020, one by one, five men spoke of their lives before, during, and after Vietnam, and what lead them to join Veterans for Peace. All had seen their share of combat; each spoke eloquently about war and its aftermath. One mans guilt over civilian bombing casualties lead him to openly weep. A former battalion surgeon could not bring himself to describe the casualties he’d seen. A concscientious objector told of his legal travails. A fourth man described being nightly trapped on a mountain top with fifty other men. Filmed by documentary maker Regis Tremblay, the project’s raw footage ran just over two hours, much too long for a general audience. The film maker has given Medic permission to excerpt his segments, below. It is hoped the completed film will be available soon. See more of Regis Tremblay’s fine work here.